We received the OWES accreditation

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On 23. 09. 2015  the Accreditation Commitettee recommened the consortium (Kielecki Inkubator Ekonomii Społecznej):
– Stowarzyszenie Integracja i Rozwój (Leader)
– Lokalna Grupa Działania „Krzemienny Krag” (Partner)
– Fundacja „PEStka” (Partner)
– Centrum Wspierania Aktywności Lokalnej CAL (Partner)
to receive the accreditation of Social Economy Support Center (OWES).

The role of OWES is to provide a wide range of advisory and consulting services, supporting young entrepreneurs, advising on existing sources of financing and assisting in applying for financing. The consortiu is supposed to work together to form a coherent network of support in the region and a permanent element of the social economy system. However in many cases the funds at their disposal are limited and earmarked for specific activities.

The list of recommended consortia: http://www.akses.crzl.gov.pl/Aktualnosci,p2.html