SIR starts implementing project within Erasmus Plus Programme KA2

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We are glad to inform that we won grant to implement the Project within Erasmus Plus Programme, KA2, Strategic partnership “Robotics and logic games as the key for youth to the entrepreneurship and success in the labour market” with: BEST Institut GmbH (Austria), Blue Ocena Robotics (Denmark), M2C Institut (Germany), World Network of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs (Finland) oraz Akademią Finansów i Biznesu Vistula (Poland). The main objective of this project is to develop a modern and effective model for teaching and promoting the pro-entrepreneurial attitudes among young people. To achieve this goal, partners elaborated an innovative solution based on their rich experience in working with the youth.

Project duration: 15.09.2015-14.03.2017.

Project grant: 89 275,00 Euro