Regional ESF Centre in Kielce (01.11.2008 – 31.12.2014), EFS POKL X, budget 2 667 000,00 PLN


Project dates: 01.11.2008 – 31.12.2014.
Target group: potential project promoters: non-governmental organisations (NGOs), training institutions, self-government units, entrepreneurs and employers’ organisations, trade unions, associations of the unemployed, universities and research and scientific centers.
Objective of the project: to enahnce knowledge and skills of potential project promoters in obtaining ESF funds and support the target group.

Due to reorganization of the network of Regional Centres of ESF, Association of Integration and Development had been awarded the project and became one of 52 Regional Centres of European Social Fund located throughout Poland. AID is continuing its previous mission. Beneficiaries of the Regional Centre of ESF in Kielce are potential project promoters: non-governmental organisations (NGOs), training institutions, self-government units, entrepreneurs and employers’ organisations, trade unions, associations of the unemployed, universities and research and scientific centers. In this period of implementation Centre focus its action on supporting education sector.
Promotion and information about European Social Fund were carried out in the listed Counties of Swietokrzyskie voivodship:
-Kielce (urban county),